Friday, February 13, 2009

The Goo

Highlight of the day is our little fashionable, loveable,thumbsucking, bunny hugging, color orange favoring, Gracie Goo. My precious had an unfortunate accident outside with sister Sarah. She broke her arm. It was broken in such a way they had to sedate her a little to get it back in place. She wanted, of course, an orange cast but settled for red. Sister, Sarah was in the garage with a sharpee as they were carrying her in and was already signing it( Sarah is for another blog). She has a learning curve getting to handle the weight of it and has to have help with most things but as her MOM wrote a moment ago she (I suspect with the help of Sarah) was able to get a fashioable look for the morning play. She is one of my precious and Gma does not like to see her have to go through this. The good thing, as she gets a few days behind her, is that it is a status symbol at this age. Her cousin, Isabelle, was trying to break her finger yesterday so she could go to the hospital but that is another blog note from Melanie. No one in the immediate family has had a break so it is quite the novelty. Anyway, it underscores the need to be ever vigilant in prayer for each of the children and grandchildren. I love you Gracie!!!

1 comment:

myfourgems said...

cute post! It is a novelty now that the panic portion has an adult I cringe at the thought of being so imobilized for a month with the full arm cast, but it does not seem to be stopping her one bit today...Sarah even talked her into wearing her sling, which she was refusing this morning.