Sunday, January 18, 2009

Saturday fun

Grandma had a headache all day on Sat but managed to rally some. Isabelle wanted me to take a video of her in her ballet costume but, of course, I am not sure how to do that on my fancy camera. We also went out on the deck. I shoveled until she made me stop as i was taking away the "hills" by my efforts. I try!

Having fun at Grandma's house

We had a fun friday night at Gma and Gpa's. Isabelle was here for a night as her parents are having an "off sight" to prepare for goals of the year in home and business. The Wolfe cubs were here for the evening as their parents went to a PFR ( I don't really know the name) concert. Evidently they haven't played together for 10 years. It was songs of their "youth" from college age time frame. Here are pictures of the adventure at the Grandparents. Caleb did very well but had a few sad moments

Friday, January 16, 2009

Lets get sentimental

Who are the two endearing women in my life..there for every celebration, every sorrow, encouraging and always staying strong in the ever changing journey of life? Dorothy and Cari. They are a continual blessing not only to me but to all those around them.


An acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. Who does this remind you of? She is such an affectionate and loving little one. She runs when I come and cries when we part. Such touching times with my loving "lillers" She loves her little critters and her bitty baby. She can run fast in a circle and has a large vocabulary. She wants 3-4 pacifiers at a time when going to bed. Then there is always one in reach. She recently stopped bringing to Grandmas. I had two here for her but am suspicious her parents took them as I cannot find one of them...unless of course she took them home. I smile when I think of her.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Frigid cold

It iwas frigid to even go from car to club to work out. I had to park in an overflow parking lot. Wow, it must be the place to go for all the non workers at 10 am in the morning. I met Mel and we did workout for 45 min. Tread mill today. She ran, I walked. At least I am moving in this cold weather when it seem to be most comfortable sitting in the sunroom and keeping warm. I had Izzy for the afternoon. It went well but I am sure not good at continued play with the little ones. We did get in playdough, coloring, and stickerbook work plus played with Strawberry dolls until I couldn't track with her creativity anymore. All this said to admit even though now home full time I didn't get any supper ready so Jerry is off to pick up a pizza at Carbone's. I don't know what to tell you all. I am a low key at homebody. i don't feel afraid if I don't function at full force anymore so I don't. I do have a goal to get the 2 storerooms gone through and organized before Jerry retires in July. Oh well, more than you all wanted to kow. I did work for 40 min in the larger storeroom while Izzy watched a video. I freed up a whole cupboard. If I haven't used it in 4 years i am going to let it go.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

American Girl Bed DONE

You can see the picture of the bed Caroline and I made for Sofia today. It was inspiring for me to do it with her, What i didn't think of she did. We added supports inside the bed box as it seemed to flimsy and would break if anything too heavy was put on it. We are proud. Sofia will love. I still have to make the mattress and quilt.

Wednesday with Peanut

Isabelle was here on Wednesday for part of the day. I played with her for a couple of hours. We watched a movie. We had a tea party and we played a long fun time with play dough. Who knew it could keep her occupied for so long. I will have to get some new as we mixed everything together. She had quite the imagination and expected me to do my imaginative part. We I have to put a lot more effort into it than she does. Fun times with these precious grandchildren.

Special Day with Sofia

My dear Sofia needs a bed for Ruthie her American girl doll. After buying the pattern and looking multiple times at the pattern and consulting with girlfriend Caroline several times I realized it would be a 2 adult person task at least for the first one. So i picked up Sofia and instead of making the bed (more of that on next blog note) I took her to American Girl at MOA for bistro lunch and we looked at everything they had in the store. She was stuck on the Ginger a cat as a pet for her doll Ruthie ( by the way there is no resesession at the American girl store, nothing on sale at all). I bought the pet Ginger, of course. Anyway, we then went to fabric store and got red material to use on the bed. By then she was tired and so was I. we went home had hot chocolate, watched a movie then played Sorry (she beat me by a hair). We then put a 100 piece puzzle together that I had bought for her a while ago. For bedtime we watched "Molly" American girl movie. We slept downstairs in the queen bed. She woke me up at 5AM and I couldn't get up til at least 6 AM. We then just hung round and she worked on the computer some. Her are pictures of our special time together.