Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Grits visit

I had a great time with the "grits" or 'girls raised in the south'. We baked, saw two great movies, a school play, did crafts, games and went walking and playing at the park nearby. They are wonderful granddaughters, I love them tons and tons. It is hard to be away for such long periods of time. One funny moment was when Gracie wanted to sleep with me and she got into bed with her, well lets mildly say,gross bunny blankey that smelled badly. I said she would have to substitute another blanket if she was going to sleep with me as i couldn't stand the smell ( I soaked and washed it the next day) and she put it on the floor and used another blanket. Wow, I was impressed that a Grandma could have that much influence. I am proud of you all!!

1 comment:

myfourgems said...

don't forget the memorable first morning dog peeing on the bed...oh wait, that was Donna's visit! never a dull moment when you visit here!