It iwas frigid to even go from car to club to work out. I had to park in an overflow parking lot. Wow, it must be the place to go for all the non workers at 10 am in the morning. I met Mel and we did workout for 45 min. Tread mill today. She ran, I walked. At least I am moving in this cold weather when it seem to be most comfortable sitting in the sunroom and keeping warm. I had Izzy for the afternoon. It went well but I am sure not good at continued play with the little ones. We did get in playdough, coloring, and stickerbook work plus played with Strawberry dolls until I couldn't track with her creativity anymore. All this said to admit even though now home full time I didn't get any supper ready so Jerry is off to pick up a pizza at Carbone's. I don't know what to tell you all. I am a low key at homebody. i don't feel afraid if I don't function at full force anymore so I don't. I do have a goal to get the 2 storerooms gone through and organized before Jerry retires in July. Oh well, more than you all wanted to kow. I did work for 40 min in the larger storeroom while Izzy watched a video. I freed up a whole cupboard. If I haven't used it in 4 years i am going to let it go.